
Star Child
Our Vision: “A world inspiring all children to their highest potential”
Our Mission: To provide uplifting entertainment for children of color where they see people that look like themselves role-modeling positive values and attributes, that ignite sparks of aspirations to overcome adversity and succeed; to promote reading; and to encourage multicultural understanding and appreciation.
GiveGab is an agile giving platform tailored just for nonprofits & we love it.
Forefront helps nonprofits like You Are A Star engage with an impact.
ILGive helps local charities connect with local donors, a winning combination.
In a world where so many worthwhile charities are in desperate need of assistance with their ongoing missions – many of worldwide significance – it can be difficult to highlight the needs of a minority group in a city the size and complexity of Chicago. And, that’s unfortunate. Chicago is one of the nation’s largest cities and has been in the news quite a bit over the last few years – all for negative aspects of life here. Much, if not most, of that negative coverage has been centered on the very neighborhoods these children, the children we long to serve, call home.
When you donate your time and money to You Are A Star, you’re sending a message of love and support to the children who need it most right here in our community. These children face some very serious challenges and your donations help us reinforce the value we see in each until that child believes in their worth just as much as we do. This is why each and every gift we’re given is such a boost to the effort and why we push each dollar as far as it will go in our endeavors. We understand how precious each donation is and do all in our power to see each one spent as responsibly and effectively as possible. We’re fortunate to be led by some very smart people with prestigious academic credentials, so, under their guidance, we’ve been able to accomplish so much with the limited resources we’ve had to this point.
It’s our hope that visitors will take a few moments to look through our website and see the good works we’re doing in the schools and churches throughout Chicago and the surrounding communities. It’s our hope that afterward, you’ll feel compelled to pitch in and help out the cause with your gift of any amount – or your time works too! Your donations represent more and more children of color in the urban sprawl of Chicago getting the positive role models and empowering messaging they need to rise above their circumstances and make the most of their precious lives. We want every child, no matter their race, to feel like they belong, like they matter, and to know that, if they set their mind to it, there’s absolutely nothing they can’t achieve. So, take a moment and donate what you can. It could be all the difference in a young person’s life.