Our Vision: “A world inspiring all children to their highest potential”
Our Mission: To provide uplifting entertainment for children of color where they see people that look like themselves role-modeling positive values and attributes, that ignite sparks of aspirations to overcome adversity and succeed; to promote reading; and to encourage multicultural understanding and appreciation.
A nonprofit is only able to carry on with its mission because of the hard work, dedication, and financial contributions from people just like you. Through volunteer hours and donated funds, our programs and initiatives are given purpose and meaning. They come alive for the children we serve. Without your help, our efforts would all be for naught. It’s you – the volunteers and donors who bring StarDreamers to life.
In an effort to promote the spirit of giving, and to recognize those who have already given of their time and money, we’ve created this page where we’ll celebrate all of those who’ve contributed to bringing Chicago’s at-risk youth of color our message of hope and self-confidence. Think of it as the StarDreamer’s You Are A Star Page. After all, everyone who gives of their time and/or money is a star in the eyes of the children we strive to reach.