Our Vision:

to their highest potential”

“A world inspiring all children

Our Mission: To provide uplifting entertainment for children of color where they see
people that look like themselves role-modeling positive values and attributes, that
ignite sparks of aspirations to overcome adversity and succeed; to promote reading;
and to encourage multicultural understanding and appreciation.

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A Nonprofit In Need

Is Another Child Reached

Every Dollar Donated

The media is full of stories of the negatives associated with life
in Chicago – from violence to gangs and beyond. You can help us
promote the positives by giving in any amount to our mission.

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Welcome to You Are A Star NFP

Dreams Do Come True

Showing Children of Color

We’re an organization with a lofty goal – to make all children equal in the eyes
of the community, the school system, and the media.

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You Are A Star NFP

That Lights the Way to Success

Igniting the Inner Spark

Everything we do is aimed toward showing children of color
that their dreams come true through belief in themselves.

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Welcome to You Are A Star NFP

Is What We’re Here For

Making A Difference

We work hard to ensure that every child of color in Chicago knows
someone in the community cares for their present and future.

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A Nonprofit In Need

Is Another Child Reached

Every Dollar Donated

The media is full of stories of the negatives associated with life
in Chicago – from violence to gangs and beyond. You can help us
promote the positives by giving in any amount to our mission.

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Watch Our Video

You Are A Star NFP

That Lights the Way to Success

Igniting the Inner Spark

Everything we do is aimed toward showing children of color
that their dreams come true through belief in themselves.

You Are A Star NFP

That Lights the Way to Success

Igniting the Inner Spark

Everything we do is aimed toward showing children of color
that their dreams come true through belief in themselves.

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Watch Our Video

Welcome to You Are A Star NFP

Dreams Do Come True

We’re an organization with a lofty goal – to make all children equal in the eyes
of the community, the school system, and the media.

Showing Children of Color

Watch Our Video

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Welcome to You Are A Star NFP

Making A Difference

Is What We’re Here For

We work hard to ensure that every child of color in Chicago knows
someone in the community cares for their present and future.

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Watch Our Video


Our mission at You Are A Star is exactly what our name implies – to make every child feel special and reach for their dreams.



A staged production, with real-life actors, can reach children in ways other mediums simply can’t match.


Our resources page provides links to production videos and information relevant to our mission and our organization’s future.


We simply couldn’t do what we do without you, so please take a moment and give a gift. Help us show children of color that society does care for them.


How You Can

Get Involved

You Are A Star NFP is a Chicago-based nonprofit organization dedicated to encouraging children, especially those of color, to reach for their dreams. Through community outreach in schools and churches, You Are A Star brings stories full of people of color doing extraordinary, and even magical, things to life right on stage in an interactive and inspirational production. These are people the children can identify with and model their behavior after. These stories highlight the inherent good in all people, but especially the goodness so often overlooked in areas where many of these children reside. Our focus, in fact our entire reason for being, is to put examples for children of color to emulate right in front of their little faces. By staging plays in schools and churches, we’re able to tale the remote away, remove the mouse entirely, and get the children to escape with us to magical and fantastical places where empowerment and inspiration go hand-in-hand. Keep reading to learn more about us, about what we do and why, and get involved on some level today!

You Are A Star in numbers

Some Statistics
0 Productions to Date
0 Goal for Fundraising
0 Hardworking People
0 Hours Volunteered
0 Goal for Smiling Children

Meet Our Directors

The Dream Team

Will Crutcher

Will Crutcher

Mr. Crutcher was born on the south side of Chicago. He received his MBA from Northwestern University before going on to DePaul Law School.
Barbara Wahler, LCSW

Barbara Wahler, LCSW

Managing Director
Barbara has been with us since our founding and is point of contact for new volunteers and donors who come to us to learn more about how they can get involved.
Ernest Kinnison

Ernest Kinnison

Multimedia/Tech Director
Ernest coordinates all of the electronic media we use to promote, produce, and record all of our presentations across the city.

Quotes from the Team

Our Directors’ Own Thoughts

We Need Your Help

Ways to Get Involved

Be A Star For Kids!

Chicago is one of the nation’s largest cities and in the news quite a bit over the last few years – all for negative aspects of life here. Much of that negative coverage has been centered on the very neighborhoods these children call home. When you donate your time and money, you’re sending a message of love to the children who need it most right here in our community.

Be An Ebony One!

Our mission depends wholly on the efforts of our volunteers – from before the show until long after it’s finished. They assist with setting up and breaking down staging, maintaining costumes and puppets on an ongoing basis, and performing onstage as puppeteer, prop master, or actor. Volunteers also record performances so children can watch on our website.

Help Us Help Children!

As a nonprofit in Chicago, You Are A Star is always looking for people to help us in our mission. Whether by volunteering behind the scenes, acting onstage, or helping with fundraising, there’s always something you can do to help us reach our goals. We accept donations which are completely tax deductible. We accept donated items we can use to put on our shows and much more.

In order to keep delivering our message of hope and empowerment to the children of Chicago, and one day beyond, we need every bit of support we can get from the good people of Chicago, Illinois, and the world. Each and every donation we receive goes to better our productions, clarify our messaging, and further our reach within the city’s schools and churches. Aside from minor administrative costs, every dollar we receive goes directly to fuel the aspirations of children of color throughout the Chicagoland area. Please, if you can, take a moment to give a gift, any gift, and we’ll be sure it goes to inspiring the youth we all depend on for our future. It’s the very best of causes.

You Are A Star, Too!

Will Crutcher – Founder

Born and raised in Chicago – graduate of Northwestern and DePaul Law School.

Mr. Crutcher was born on the south side of Chicago, in what today is known as the “hood”, but worked his way out of his circumstances through dedication and hard work. He received his MBA from Northwestern University before going on to DePaul Law School. Will spent years in corporate America before launching his own line of African American skin care products.

You Are A Star NFP was born from a dream Will had wherein he saw children of color whisked away to a magical land called YesYouCan. Our stage productions come directly from, or are directly influenced by, the message contained in that dream.

Commitment 100%
Volunteering 100%
Programs 100%
Support 100%
It’s all about communicating the value of every child to society – no matter their race. It’s fanning that unique spark of childhood wonder and encouraging that wonder through positive examples. In a very real way, it’s telling every child of color in Chicago, “You Are A Star!”